Here’s Why Your Favorite TV Shows Are Getting More Violent

**Here’s Why Your Favorite TV Shows Are Getting More Violent**

If you’ve been watching TV lately, you may have noticed that the violence has been getting more and more graphic. This is especially true for shows on streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, which have less censorship than traditional networks..

There are a few reasons why TV shows are getting more violent. One reason is that viewers are demanding it. In a recent survey, 72% of respondents said they wanted to see more violence on TV. This is likely due to the fact that violence can be exciting and suspenseful, and it can help to keep viewers on the edge of their seats..

Another reason why TV shows are getting more violent is that it’s easier to do so these days. Thanks to advances in special effects, it’s now possible to create realistic and gruesome violence that would have been impossible to produce just a few years ago. This has made it easier for showrunners to push the boundaries of what’s acceptable on TV..

Finally, some argue that the increasing violence on TV is a reflection of the increasingly violent world we live in. With mass shootings and other acts of violence becoming more common, it’s no wonder that TV shows are starting to reflect this reality..

Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that TV shows are getting more violent. And while this may be appealing to some viewers, it’s important to remember that violence can also be harmful. Studies have shown that exposure to violence on TV can lead to increased aggression, desensitization to violence, and even PTSD..

If you’re concerned about the amount of violence on TV, there are a few things you can do. First, you can choose to watch shows that are less violent. Second, you can talk to your children about the violence they see on TV and help them to understand that it’s not real. Finally, you can support organizations that are working to reduce violence on TV.

Here are some additional thoughts on the topic:.

* Some people argue that the increasing violence on TV is a sign of a decline in our culture. They believe that violence is becoming more and more accepted, and that this is leading to a more violent society..

* Others argue that the increasing violence on TV is simply a reflection of the changing times. They believe that we live in a more violent world than ever before, and that TV shows are simply reflecting this reality..

* Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide how they feel about the increasing violence on TV. Some people may find it to be entertaining, while others may find it to be disturbing. It’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong answer, and that everyone is entitled to their own opinion..

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