China’s Mars Rover Zhurong Enters Hibernation for Winter

**China’s Mars rover Zhurong enters hibernation for winter**

China’s Mars rover Zhurong has entered hibernation for the Martian winter, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced on Thursday.

The rover entered a dormant state on Wednesday after completing its exploration tasks for the first Martian year, which is equivalent to about 687 Earth days.

During hibernation, Zhurong will conserve energy and maintain its systems while the Martian winter passes.

The rover will resume its exploration activities in the Martian spring, which is expected to begin in December 2023.

Zhurong was launched in July 2020 and landed on Mars in May 2021. It is the first Chinese rover to land on another planet and has been exploring the Martian surface ever since.

The rover has made several important discoveries during its time on Mars, including finding evidence of water ice just below the surface and identifying several new rock types.

Zhurong’s hibernation is a significant milestone for the Chinese space program and demonstrates the country’s growing capabilities in space exploration.

**Key Facts about Zhurong’s Hibernation:**

* The rover will enter a dormant state for about six months.
* Zhurong will conserve energy by shutting down most of its systems.
* The rover will maintain its systems by using a small amount of power from its solar panels.
* Zhurong will resume its exploration activities in the Martian spring.

**Significance of the Hibernation:**

* The hibernation demonstrates China’s growing capabilities in space exploration.
* The rover’s discoveries will help scientists learn more about Mars.
* The hibernation will help extend the rover’s lifespan and allow it to continue its exploration mission.

**Additional Information:**

* Zhurong is named after the Chinese mythological god of fire.
* The rover is about the size of a small car and weighs about 240 kilograms.
* Zhurong is equipped with a variety of scientific instruments, including a camera, a spectrometer, and a radar.


* [China’s Mars rover Zhurong enters hibernation for winter](
* [China’s Mars rover Zhurong begins hibernation](
* [China’s Mars rover Zhurong enters hibernation for Martian winter](

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