Xi Jinping’s 4-part dream for China becomes reality

**Xi Jinping’s 4-part dream for China becomes reality**.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has achieved his 4-part dream for China, according to a new report by the state-run Xinhua News Agency..

The report says that Xi has achieved his goals of:.

* **Building a moderately prosperous society**.

* **Achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation**.

* **Creating a world-class military**.

* **Establishing a socialist market economy**.

Xi has been in power since 2012, and during that time he has overseen China’s rise to become a global superpower. He has also cracked down on dissent and tightened control over the Chinese people..

The report on Xi’s achievements comes as he prepares to step down as president in 2023. It is likely that Xi will continue to play a major role in Chinese politics after he steps down, and his legacy will be debated for years to come..

**Building a moderately prosperous society**.

Xi has overseen a period of rapid economic growth in China. The country’s GDP has more than doubled since he took power, and hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty..

Xi has also made efforts to improve the quality of life for Chinese people. He has invested in healthcare, education, and environmental protection. He has also cracked down on corruption and inequality..

**Achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation**.

Xi’s goal of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a reference to China’s history of humiliation at the hands of foreign powers. Xi believes that China must become a strong and prosperous nation in order to regain its rightful place in the world..

Xi has taken a number of steps to achieve this goal, including:.

* Increasing China’s military spending.

* Expanding China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea.

* Promoting Chinese culture and values around the world.

**Creating a world-class military**.

Xi has made modernizing the Chinese military a top priority. He has increased military spending and invested in new weapons and technologies..

Xi believes that a strong military is essential to protect China’s interests and to deter potential threats. He has also said that China is willing to use its military to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity..

**Establishing a socialist market economy**.

Xi has presided over a period of economic reform in China. He has loosened some government controls on the economy and allowed private businesses to play a greater role..

Xi believes that a socialist market economy is the best way to achieve sustainable economic growth. He has also said that China will not abandon its commitment to socialism..

**Xi’s legacy**.

Xi’s legacy will be debated for years to come. Some observers believe that he is a great leader who has restored China to its former glory. Others believe that he is a dictator who has suppressed dissent and tightened control over the Chinese people..

It is too early to say what Xi’s ultimate legacy will be. However, there is no doubt that he has been one of the most important figures in Chinese history. His policies have had a profound impact on China and on the world..

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