Online Marketplace Basic.Space Acquires Design Miami / Furniture Fair

Paving the way for a novel chapter in the design industry’s digital transformation, online marketplace Basic.Space has made a groundbreaking acquisition: the renowned Design Miami / Furniture Fair. This strategic move signifies a revolutionary merger of the art and design worlds with the realm of e-commerce, opening up a world of possibilities for the buying and selling of collectible design furniture.

The acquisition of Design Miami / Furniture Fair marks a pivotal moment for both entities. Basic.Space, known for its curated marketplace for pre-owned and limited edition design furniture, gains a world-class platform to expand its reach, amplify its mission, and connect with a broader audience of design enthusiasts and collectors. The Design Miami / Furniture Fair, on the other hand, finds in Basic.Space a partner that embraces its legacy of showcasing cutting-edge, exceptional design while propelling it into the digital age.

With this acquisition, Basic.Space intends to create a seamless synergy between the physical and virtual experiences of collecting collectible design furniture. The company plans to harness the power of its online platform to extend the reach and accessibility of the Design Miami / Furniture Fair, offering a global audience the opportunity to participate in the fair’s exhibitions and events. Additionally, Basic.Space will utilize its expertise in digital curation and e-commerce to provide design enthusiasts with an immersive, user-friendly platform for acquiring standout pieces.

The founder and CEO of Basic.Space, Amit Pandya, expressed his enthusiasm for the acquisition, emphasizing the shared values and complementary strengths of the two companies. He stated, .

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