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WASHINGTON, Aug 11 (Reuters) – The U.S. midterm election race in November could be an early test for how much of the country’s current political divisions will carry over into 2024..

Republicans, invigorated after winning a special congressional election in Nebraska on Tuesday, are banking on building further momentum in November to recapture control of both chambers of Congress from President Joe Biden’s Democrats..

A strong showing by Republicans in November would bolster former President Donald Trump’s argument that he remains the dominant figure in the Republican Party and position him well for a possible presidential run in 2024. Conversely, a poor mid-term showing by Republicans could increase pressure on Trump from within the party to step aside for a younger generation of leaders..

But Democrats will also be seeking to make a strong showing in November. A solid showing by President Biden’s party would be seen as a sign that his agenda is popular with voters and give him more leverage to forge ahead with his ambitious economic and social programs..

However, a strong Republican showing would give the party a platform to try to roll back some of the policies enacted under Biden. Republicans have vowed to focus on issues such as crime, inflation and immigration, which they contend are among the top concerns of voters..

The outcome of the November mid-term elections could also have a significant impact on the balance of power in Washington for the remaining two years of Biden’s presidency. Republicans have said they plan to use their power to block or delay Biden’s initiatives if they capture control of one or both chambers of Congress..

Historically, the president’s party loses seats in Congress during the mid-term elections. Democrats are aiming to defy that trend, while Republicans are looking to build on their gains from 2020, when they picked up 14 seats in the House of Representatives..

The stakes are high for both parties and the outcome of the November election is far from certain. But one thing is clear: the midterm election will be an important step in setting the stage for the 2024 presidential contest..

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