Bridesmaids’ Cringeworthy Wedding Horror Stories You Won’t Believe Happened

Is there anything more terrifying than taking part in a wedding? Not being the bride, of course, but being in her bridal party..

There’s a reason why so many movies and TV shows depict the wedding party as a hotbed of drama and chaos – and it’s not all just for laughs..

Bridesmaids have a lot of responsibility: helping the bride plan her big day, making sure the rest of the bridal party stays in line, and, of course, looking their absolute best..

But sometimes, things go wrong – and these bridesmaids’ stories will make you cringe so hard, you’ll be glad you’re just a guest..

1. **The Bridesmaid Who Got Lost**.

Bridesmaid Sarah was supposed to be the one keeping everyone on schedule, but she got so caught up in the moment that she completely forgot to check the time..

As a result, the entire bridal party was late for the ceremony, and the bride was furious..

2. **The Bridesmaid Who Danced Too Hard**.

Bridesmaid Jessica was so excited to dance at her friend’s wedding that she ended up throwing her back out..

She had to spend the rest of the night icing her back and taking pain relievers – not exactly the way she wanted to celebrate..

3. **The Bridesmaid Who Got Food Poisoning**.

Bridesmaid Emily was so nervous about giving a speech at the wedding that she got food poisoning the night before..

She spent the entire reception throwing up in the bathroom, and she had to leave early..

4. **The Bridesmaid Who Fainted**.

Bridesmaid Ashley was so hot and tired by the end of the night that she fainted during the reception..

She had to be carried out of the venue and taken to the hospital, where she spent the night..

5. **The Bridesmaid Who Had a Wardrobe Malfunction**.

Bridesmaid Meghan’s dress ripped right down the back as she was walking down the aisle..

She had to quickly safety pin it together, and she spent the rest of the night worrying that it would rip again..

6. **The Bridesmaid Who Got Kicked Out of the Wedding**.

Bridesmaid Lindsey was so drunk at the wedding that she started a fight with another guest..

She was kicked out of the venue and had to spend the night in jail..

7. **The Bridesmaid Who Was a No-Show**.

Bridesmaid Rachel was supposed to be in charge of the guest book, but she didn’t show up for the wedding..

The bride was so upset that she had to ask a stranger to take over the job..

These are just a few of the many cringeworthy wedding horror stories that bridesmaids have shared..

If you’re ever asked to be a bridesmaid, be sure to take it seriously and be prepared for anything..

And if you find yourself in a situation where you’re not sure what to do, just remember: the most important thing is to support the bride on her big day..

Even if that means sacrificing your own comfort or dignity..

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