Student Athletes Are Taking a Stand. Meet the 2023 Glamour College Women of the Year, Britton Wilson.

Growing up, Britton Wilson never shied away from athletics. When she entered high school, she joined the track team and quickly proved to be a natural talent. By her senior year, Wilson had become one of the top recruits in the country..

She ultimately decided to attend the University of Arkansas, where she continued to excel on the track. In her sophomore year, she won the NCAA championship in the 800 meters. She also helped lead her team to the NCAA outdoor title..

Wilson’s athletic accomplishments are impressive, but they’re only part of her story. She is also a passionate advocate for social justice. In the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, Wilson helped organize a peaceful protest on her campus. She also spoke out against racial injustice on social media and in interviews..

Wilson’s activism has made her a role model for other student-athletes. She has shown that it is possible to be both a successful athlete and a vocal advocate for change..

In recognition of her athletic achievements and her commitment to social justice, Wilson has been named the 2023 Glamour College Woman of the Year..

**Wilson’s activism is rooted in her personal experiences.** She grew up in a predominantly white community, and she often felt like she was treated differently because of her race. She remembers being called names like .

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