Anu Duggal Is Building a Landscape Where Female Founders Thrive

In the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship, there are trailblazers who not only recognize the existing disparities but are determined to alter the narrative. Anu Duggal, a visionary with a background in e-commerce, has been at the forefront of reshaping the entrepreneurial landscape for women. Before starting Female Founders Fund, a seed-stage venture fund that invests exclusively in female-founded companies, she cofounded, an e-commerce enterprise in India in 2009. It was an era characterized by the emergence of industry giants like Gilt, Rent the Runway, and One Kings Lane, and Duggal’s venture was no exception to the success story. Under her guidance the company grew to 150 employees and secured $20 million in funding. Yet it was the stark gender divide within the world of venture capital that catalyzed her mission. She learned that less than 2% of venture dollars flowed toward companies initiated by women and realized that change was imperative—it was time to harness the untapped potential of female founders.

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