Brides Who Want a Lavish Wedding Should Pay For It Themselves

In a recent article published in Glamour magazine, writer and editor Jessica DeFino sparked a lively debate by arguing that brides who insist on having extravagant weddings exceeding their and their partner’s financial means should be solely responsible for footing the bill.

DeFino’s stance stems from witnessing firsthand the excessive spending and unrealistic expectations surrounding modern weddings, often leaving couples in substantial debt. She challenges the traditional notion that the bride’s family should bear the brunt of the financial burden and proposes a more equitable approach.

According to DeFino, couples who prioritize a lavish celebration over financial prudence are setting themselves up for future financial strain. She cites statistics showing that the average cost of a wedding in the United States has skyrocketed to over $30,000, with many couples spending far more. This extravagant spending often leads to couples taking on significant debt, which can have long-term consequences for their financial well-being.

DeFino argues that brides who adamantly declare .

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