Biden Considers Climate Measures as Part of $1.75 Trillion Social Spending Bill

**WASHINGTON, Oct 20 (Reuters) – President Joe Biden on Wednesday is expected to announce whether he will include climate change measures in his $1.75 trillion social spending bill, bowing to pressure from Democratic lawmakers who see it as a defining issue for the party.**

The Build Back Better Act, a pillar of Biden’s domestic agenda, would expand the social safety net and invest in climate change programs. But its passage is far from certain, as Democrats struggle to maintain party unity in the face of opposition from Republicans and some moderate Democrats.

The White House has been negotiating with lawmakers for weeks over the details of the bill, including the scope of its climate provisions. Some Democrats have pushed for more ambitious measures, while moderates have sought to limit the cost of the bill.

The final decision on whether to include climate measures in the bill will be a significant test for Biden, who has made climate change a central focus of his presidency. But it will also be a test for the Democratic Party, which is facing pressure to deliver on its promises to address climate change.

**Details of the climate measures under consideration are still being finalized, but they are likely to include tax credits for renewable energy, investments in clean energy infrastructure, and measures to reduce carbon emissions.**

Democrats hope that the inclusion of climate change measures in the Build Back Better Act will help them win support from年輕 voters and activists who are increasingly concerned about the issue. But it could also alienate moderate voters who are worried about the cost of the bill.

The White House is expected to release more details about the Build Back Better Act on Wednesday. The bill is expected to be voted on by the House of Representatives in the coming weeks.

**Additional reporting by Valerie Volcovici; Editing by Scott Malone and Peter Cooney**

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